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Rosabell Laurenti-Sellers was born in Santa Monica, California, in 1996. Rosabell grew up in New York City, United States. In 2004, at the age of 8, she made her acting debut performing at the renowned experimental theatre- La MaMa (in NY). Soon after, Rosabell, along with her parents (Italian father and American mother), moved to Rome, Italy, where she flourished as a young actress.


Childhood had brought Rosabell the sign of success. She was involved in important film and tv projects such as “E Poi C’e’ Filippo” directed by Maurizio Ponzi, “Amore e Guerra” by Giacomo Campiotti, “Look Right, Look Left” by Sandro Baldoni, “Medicina Generale” and in other three major tv movies: “L’Aviatore” (Carlo Carlei), Coco Chanel (Christian Deguy) and Anne Frank (in the title role) directed by Alberto Negrin. Furthermore, she started working in the feature film “Ex” directed by Fausto Brizzi and the tv series “Paura di Amare”, as well as playing 'the daughter' of - the Oscar award winning actress-Rachel Weisz, in a new American film called “The Whistleblower”. In 2012, due to her work in "Gli Equilibristi",  Rosabell was nominated for the David di Donatello award (category of "Best Supporting Actress).



In 2013, Rosabell played a lead role in the well-known Italian film "Buongiorno Papa". In the same year, she was honored by the Italian Film Critics Association with the prestigious Nastro d'Argento award for "Most Promising Young Talent". Last season, she performed in the Italian television series "Una Grande Famiglia".


In 2015, Rosabell joins the cast of the HBO series Game of Thrones - Season 5, as Tyene Sand.


Besides acting, Rosabell has many interests. Her main passions are horseback riding and tap dancing. She studied and performed tap for three years. She participated in numerous equestrian competitions, including dressage, jumping, and “vaulting” (acrobatics on horseback). Rosabell is also involved in charity work. For the past two years she has worked voluntarily for an organization called “Veto the ‘Squito” which fights malaria in Africa. Rosabell has also collaborated with the League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism.


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